Author: John Biggs

  • AI and Journalism: What’s Next?

    AI and Journalism: What’s Next?

    AI has the potential to revolutionize the news industry by streamlining editorial processes, personalizing content for readers, and fact-checking information. Practical deployment options for AI in newsrooms include using natural language processing to generate automated content, implementing machine learning algorithms to analyze and predict audience preferences, and utilizing chatbots for audience engagement. Infrastructure requirements may…

  • Artificial intelligence in Public Relations: Your AI Copilot

    Artificial intelligence in Public Relations: Your AI Copilot

    As technology continues to advance, AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in the field of public relations. From media monitoring and analysis to chatbots and personalized content recommendation, AI is transforming the way PR professionals manage their daily work. This technology has the potential to streamline processes, improve accuracy, and enhance decision-making in public relations. AI-powered…

  • The Fight Begins: The New York Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft

    The Fight Begins: The New York Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft

    Credit: DALL-E Here we go. The New York Times has officially sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement, the first major media company to seek a legal fight over generative AI. The complaint, filed in the Southern District of New York according to Axios, alleges that the two tech companies used Times journalism — without…

  • Can GenAI Write Video Game Characters?

    Can GenAI Write Video Game Characters?

    Image via Midjourney Video games have long pushed the technological envelope. Creating convincing and engrossing gameplay has been the industry’s primary mission since the Atari 2600 and today video games are leaping over the uncanny valley into photorealistic territory, with thousands of players gathering in hyperrealistic worlds full of soldiers, goblins, and (adoptable) dogs. But…

  • 3 Predictions for AI and Media in 2024, Plus a Gift

    3 Predictions for AI and Media in 2024, Plus a Gift

    Credit: DALL-E As the year winds down, it’s tempting to look back on what an explosive and tumultuous year it’s been for generative AI and how it’s affected the media industry — not to mention the larger universe of content creation. From the awkward first steps of generative articles to the landmark deal between Axel Springer…

  • The Media Copilot’s Holiday Wish List

    The Media Copilot’s Holiday Wish List

    Image via Midjourney As we enter the holiday doldrums, many journalists are looking at a long, cold January. Layoffs affected hundreds of scribblers, from the Washington Post to Vice to National Geographic. As Katherine Lewis at Niemen wrote, nobody is coming to save us. At The Media Copilot we’re predicting a future where fewer and…

  • A New Year’s Resolution for Newsrooms: Clear GenAI Policy

    A New Year’s Resolution for Newsrooms: Clear GenAI Policy

    Credit: DALL-E I’ve been talking about how generative AI can be applied to journalism today on This Week in Digital Media’s Subtext this week (Subtext is a broadcast-via-text service). Subscribers are able to respond to the broadcasts, and it’s been great to hear the myriad perspectives on the state of AI in newsrooms today. In…

  • Friday Conversation: Matt Martel

    At a time when most newsrooms across the world are considering, studying and, in some cases, experimenting with generative AI, at least one publication has enthusiastically embraced the technology, building it into workflows and publishing “synthetic” content on the regular. BusinessDesk in New Zealand uses ChatGPT and other AI models to augment what it’… Read…

  • When Humans Are No Longer Necessary

    Credit: Adobe Firefly If there’s a lesson from the early experiments with AI-generated articles, it seems to be that a “human in the loop” is needed. No matter how sophisticated your large language model may be, the nature of the technology is that it will occasionally hallucinate — present falsehoods as facts — and state…

  • What Generative AI Means for News Gathering

    Credit: Adobe Firefly When it comes to applying generative AI in news media, it’s going to primarily affect three major areas: news gathering, news production, and news distribution. While production has garnered an outsize amount of controversy, and distribution generates a lot of excitement (if reaction to my piece about a future news UX might…