Our March AI Classes Are Now Open

The breakneck pace of AI announcements sometimes makes us forget how new the whole field is. Plenty of folks are just catching up and taking their first steps with generative systems. Others have done the whole ChatGPT thing and found it lacking. On a practical, day-to-day level, you may be wondering, what can AI do for me?

We’ve got an answer to that. Today The Media Copilot is announcing that March registrations for our classes that focus on how to use AI in content creation are now open. To be clear, these aren’t generic, canned video courses on how to talk to chatbots. Our classes are:

Live. John Biggs & I walk you through concepts and exercise with you, and answer questions on the fly.

Tailored to your work. The class focuses on the concepts and tools most relevant to journalists, marketers, PR professionals, and independent creators.

You can find detailed descriptions of both classes on our website.

We highly recommend our thorough three-hour AI Bootstrapping for Marketers and Media class (March 20), which goes over foundational AI concepts, the essentials of prompting, a suite of tools and tips on using them, and how to get started on custom solutions for your own workflows. We focus a big chunk of the class on live workshopping and Q&A, which students find very valuable.


For those with busy schedules, though, we also offer a one-hour Beginning AI for Marketers, PR, and Journalists (March 21): a crash course meant to rapidly bring novices up to speed on using generative tools. Even if you think you know the basics of ChatGPT and other chatbots already, this class will improve your use of it with a focus on advanced prompting techniques, underutilized features, and a set of go-to tools for speeding up work.


Both classes include a free premium subscription to The Media Copilot newsletter.

As a newsletter subscriber, you can take advantage of an early-bird discount on both classes. Our AI Fundamentals normally costs $750, but if you use the discount code MARCHBIRD, you’ll save $300. Use the same code for the $80 Beginning AI class for a $20 discount. The discount code will only work until Feb. 29th, so be sure to register before the calendar changes to get those savings. Here’s that link again to start your registration.


One of the most rewarding things about running The Media Copilot has been teaching these classes, and seeing the light bulbs come on as we demystify GenAI and show people the things they can do with these tools, and how it can be applied to everyday work in content creation, often quite easily and without the need to subscribe to anything. Whether you’re excited or wary of AI, it’s time to take control.

Ready to start using AI like a pro?


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